
We will come together, in a different way​​​​​​​

This unprecedented time we are currently facing has made each of us re-evaluate how we can honour our current veterans and those of our past.

We will still honour our those WWI soldiers, and all soldiers of past years and the sacrifices they had made.

We will still remember the bravery of our modern-day veterans and their families and the challenges that some of them face. Particularly those challenges of recent times, such as the bushfires, and now, the COVID-19 pandemic.

Honour our veterans of the past, and show your support for modern-day veterans by donating to
Soldier On's #InTheirHonour appeal today.

Your support will help enable our veterans and their families to thrive, now, more than ever, at a time when we facing a crisis the whole world is up against. 


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Goal: ${{{bar.goal}}}

We have raised ​​​​​​${{{bar.raised}}}​ so far

 ​​​​​​ ​​​ ​​We are at {{{bar.percent}}}% of our goal!
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We will come together, in a different way​​​​​​​

This unprecedented time we are currently facing has made each of us re-evaluate how we can honour our current veterans and those of our past.

We will still honour our those WWI soldiers, and all soldiers of past years and the sacrifices they had made.

We will still remember the bravery of our modern-day veterans and their families and the challenges that some of them face. Particularly those challenges of recent times, such as the bushfires, and now, the COVID-19 pandemic.

Honour our veterans of the past, and show your support for

modern-day veterans by donating to
Soldier On's #InTheirHonour appeal today.

Your support will help enable our veterans and their families to thrive, now, more than ever, at a time when we facing a crisis the whole world is up against. 


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